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Penn&Ink N.Y

Penn&Ink N.Y

Tops, dresses, long sleeves, pants, blazers, sweaters, T-shirts, skirts, cardigans and coats - Penn&Ink N.Y brings everything you need to your wardrobe. Penn&Ink N.Y brings stylish garments with comfort as the dominating factor. Designed in timeless colors with a neutral undertone to combine endlessly - think black, sand, grey, lilac, khaki and camel brown. Uni colors versus timeless patterns like stripes are at the basis of this cool collection. We love the combination of American and European design influences and their innovative travel quality. Discover the latest styles from Penn&Ink N.Y below and pick your favorites.

Penn&Ink N.Y online shop

Originally founded in the sixties in Brooklyn - New York - by fashion designer Maureen J. Penn and well-known tailor Stanley Ink - discover Penn&Ink N.Y in our online shop. Nowadays, the brand is continued in the Netherlands, where the American sense of basics is combined with a European sense of style. The designers of Penn&Ink N.Y love to travel, to get inspired and to create more collections with a relaxed feel - as shown in our online shop. The brand creates an entire world where comfort leads the way and classic is the new cool. Check out Penn&Ink N.Y in our online shop opt for super stylish comfort.

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