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Compagnie de Provence

We've added the nourishing liquid soaps from Compagnie de Provence - that are developed with natural ingredients - to our online shop. We've selected Anise Patchouli, Black Jasmine, Black Tea, White Tea, Shea Butter and Aromatic Lavender soaps that protect, hydrate and restore the balance of the skin from the hands and body. The formulas from Compagnie de Provence are enriched with vitamin E, natural glycerin and coconut oil. Olive oil and almond oil form the base of the soaps from the French brand and are rich in antioxidants and have anti-aging properties. Discover Compagnie de Provence here and shop your favorite fragrance.

Compagnie de Provence online shop

Compagnie de Provence is the latest addition to our online shop and is founded by two friends in 1990, Marseille. Marseille is known for the square block of hand soap and Compagnie de Provence renewed this iconic piece and developed liquid soap in a glass dispenser you can find in our online shop. Through the years they've added natural care products based on authentic recipes that are developed with olive oil and almond oil. All products are biodegradable, developed with 95% natural ingredients and don't contain parabens, mineral oils, aluminum and other synthetic ingredients. The fragrances are developed in Grasse and all have their own unique scent. Discover all Compagnie de Provence products in our online shop and add these products to your care collection.

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