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Muslin and twill weaves, fleece and poplin qualities, cotton and bamboo material blends - XÍRENA brings the LA look where comfort and style effortlessly blend. The XÍRENA styles are designed in a soft color palette for a feminine appearance and combined with modern black. A comfortable fit and an effortless fashion feel represent the collections. Shirt and wrap dresses, tank tops, T-shirts, drawstring pants, sweatshirts and shorts and blouses form a stylish range that can be combined endlessly. Add the designs from XÍRENA to your wardrobe and the brand is guaranteed to become a favorite.

XÍRENA online shop

Looking for that typical laidback LA vibe? Check out XÍRENA in our online shop. This American brand is founded by the Californian Dierdre Roffoni who pursues and is inspired by 'wanderlust'. NOOS styles form the foundation of the brand, combined with new designs with an effortless design aesthetic and timeless feel. The XÍRENA styles in our online shop are represented by soft qualities and comfortable fits. Sweaters and sweat shorts, dresses, tank tops and T-shirts, blouses in neutral colors, pastel shades, coral tones and black. Discover the latest styles from XÍRENA in our online shop and opt for both comfort and style.

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