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COOLA offers sun protection for a range of skin types and lifestyles. COOLA uses 70%+ natural and certified organic ingredients to create luxurious products: strong enough to effectively protect, yet delicate enough to sooth, moisturize and nourish your skin. The collection of COOLA suncare is not only designed with 70%+ certified organic ingredients, they are formulated for different parts of the body. From sun care for the body - that even sprays when held upside down -, the lips and the sensitive face - with or without a lightly tinted formula. Hydrate and sooth your skin after tanning with the After-sun lotion from COOLA. Protect your skin with suncare from COOLA!

COOLA online shop

The Californian eco-entrepreneur Chris Birchby founded COOLA Suncare in 2002. After years of research with a team of professionals, he was able to market a series of products that are 70%+ organic and locally produced. Today, COOLA suncare continues to pave the way in the suncare industry. Because they produce in limited quantity batches - in sunny and cool San Diego -, they're able to reformulate often, taking advantage of new developments in sun science. Shop the COOLA suncare products here in our online shop!

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