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Filippa k Man

The Filippa K philosophy is based on the concepts of style, simplicity and quality. They apply these values to every detail of everything they do; the look and feel of our fashion and the design. By combining timeless simplicity with a contemporary edge.

Filippa K makes distinctive fashion for modern urbanites who possess personal integrity and an eye for good design. People who are confident enough to be sophisticated, yet curious enough to be fashionable.

Filippa K
cherish the beauty of a simple line, a gentle touch and perfect balance. Their design is clean, the materials subtle and the minimal details of our clothes imbue a strong sense of purpose and beauty. Great effort is put into giving our clothes an exceptionally flattering fit and making sure they are particularly comfortable to wear. Never compromising on materials and tailoring, Filippa K wants to create garments that become people's personal favourites: those beloved, well-fitting and comfortable clothes you wear over and over again.
Filippa K Men
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Filippa k Man

The Filippa K philosophy is based on the concepts of style, simplicity and quality. They apply these values to every detail of everything they do; the look and feel of our fashion and the design. By combining timeless simplicity with a contemporary edge.

Filippa K makes distinctive fashion for modern urbanites who possess personal integrity and an eye for good design. People who are confident enough to be sophisticated, yet curious enough to be fashionable.

Filippa K
cherish the beauty of a simple line, a gentle touch and perfect balance. Their design is clean, the materials subtle and the minimal details of our clothes imbue a strong sense of purpose and beauty. Great effort is put into giving our clothes an exceptionally flattering fit and making sure they are particularly comfortable to wear. Never compromising on materials and tailoring, Filippa K wants to create garments that become people's personal favourites: those beloved, well-fitting and comfortable clothes you wear over and over again.

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