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Lipsticks & lipglosses

Add shine and color to your lips with our luxurious and nourishing lipstick and lipgloss selection. Go for a fierce red color, tempting pink or trendy burgundy. Our lip products are perfect for all lip types and are made from nourishing and pure ingredients. The lipstick and lip gloss selection also contains luminizers - combine with a lipstick and create sensual, shimmery lips. Discover our lipstick and lipgloss products here.
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Lipsticks & lipglosses

Add shine and color to your lips with our luxurious and nourishing lipstick and lipgloss selection. Go for a fierce red color, tempting pink or trendy burgundy. Our lip products are perfect for all lip types and are made from nourishing and pure ingredients. The lipstick and lip gloss selection also contains luminizers - combine with a lipstick and create sensual, shimmery lips. Discover our lipstick and lipgloss products here.

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