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Shoe care

Shoes go through a lot - they really deserve the best shoe care possible! Tangent’s shoe care products don’t only have a too-pretty-to-store design, each product is developed with the upmost of care. Tangent’s shoe care products are for instance free of water and silicones - commonly used ingredients that clog the leather’s pores and make shoes unbreathable. You’ve found the missing link in your shoe care collection, Tangent is thé brand you need to keep your shoes in top condition.
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Shoe care

Shoes go through a lot - they really deserve the best shoe care possible! Tangent’s shoe care products don’t only have a too-pretty-to-store design, each product is developed with the upmost of care. Tangent’s shoe care products are for instance free of water and silicones - commonly used ingredients that clog the leather’s pores and make shoes unbreathable. You’ve found the missing link in your shoe care collection, Tangent is thé brand you need to keep your shoes in top condition.

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