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Christophe Robin

Christophe Robin is fascinated by women's natural beauty and the techniques used to enhance it. He focuses on the hair and skin and comes with a fantastic range of hair and skin products. In the Christophe Robin collection you can find various hair care products like shampoo, conditioner, hair dye and sprays - some of which can be used on the skin. He added a subtle scent to each product - from lavender and prickly pear to rose petals and blueberries. Update your daily skin and hair care routine with Christophe Robin products.

Christophe Robin Online Shop

Christophe Robin opened his first salon in a small courtyard in Paris and launched his first range in 1999, brining hair care especially meant for colored and sensitive hair. What began with hair care essentials, has now become a brand with hair dye, hair care and even skin care products. In our Christophe Robin online shop you can find a selection of refined hair and skin care products with a subtle scent. Check the entire line in our Christophe Robin online shop.

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