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Manos Del Uruguay

Unique, Flair Trade ánd handmade - these ponchos from Manos del Uruguay are an investment for many year to come. The uni and multicolor ponchos are Fair Trade produced by the Uruguayan women of Manos. Aim for luxury and a sophisticated and modern appearance with a gorgeous Manos del Uruguay poncho. Check here our selection of Manos del Uruguay ponchos.

Manos Del Uruguay Online Shop

The Manos del Uruguay ponchos are made by true craftswomen - from the hand spun yarns to the dying processes and unique knit patterns. Every garment from Manos del Uruguay is unique and shows all the work and dedication from the woman who made it. The ponchos in our Manos del Uruguay online shop come with a tag with the signature of the craftswoman who made it, together with the name of the locality. Check all ponchos in our Manos del Uruguay online shop and discover your favorite color!
Manos del Uruguay
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Manos Del Uruguay

Unique, Flair Trade ánd handmade - these ponchos from Manos del Uruguay are an investment for many year to come. The uni and multicolor ponchos are Fair Trade produced by the Uruguayan women of Manos. Aim for luxury and a sophisticated and modern appearance with a gorgeous Manos del Uruguay poncho. Check here our selection of Manos del Uruguay ponchos.

Manos Del Uruguay Online Shop

The Manos del Uruguay ponchos are made by true craftswomen - from the hand spun yarns to the dying processes and unique knit patterns. Every garment from Manos del Uruguay is unique and shows all the work and dedication from the woman who made it. The ponchos in our Manos del Uruguay online shop come with a tag with the signature of the craftswoman who made it, together with the name of the locality. Check all ponchos in our Manos del Uruguay online shop and discover your favorite color!

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