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6x How to wear oversized

6x How to wear oversized

Loved and hated: oversized fashion styles. From knits to tops, pants, dresses ánd accessories. We love oversized styles, yet they’re not flattering for everyone. This season it’s a trend to wear ánd combine oversized and loose-fit styles. If you want to wear oversized styles, balance is the key word – we’ll provide the styling tips and advice you need. 

Loved and hated: oversized fashion styles. From knits to tops, pants, dresses ánd accessories. We love oversized styles, yet they’re not flattering for everyone. This season it’s a trend to wear ánd combine oversized and loose-fit styles. If you want to wear oversized styles, balance is the key word – we’ll provide the styling tips and advice you need. 

image with artdirection
image with artdirection

1. Oversized-on-oversized

1. Oversized-on-oversized

A combination of oversized and relaxed styles is on-trend – if you want to create a slouchy silhouette, don't forget to showcase your feminine figure. For example, tuck your top or blouse into your pants or skirt and show off your waist.

2. A dynamic duo

2. A dynamic duo

If you want to wear oversized styles, the easiest way to balance your look is to pair oversized with fitted or slim-fit styles; think skinny pants or a pencil skirt. These show your feminine figure and are a perfect counterpart for an oversized silhouette. 

3. Cinch the waist

3. Cinch the waist

An oversized dress, cardigan or tunic can be voluminous and slightly unflattering. But if you cinch the waist with a leather belt or self-tie belt you’ll create an hourglass shape for a feminine feel. 

4. Oversized vs. mini

4. Oversized vs. mini

It’s also an option to balance top and bottom – choose an oversized pullover and pair with a mini-length bottom. It’s an easy way to show your feminine figure in a flattering way. 

5. Contrasting silhouettes

5. Contrasting silhouettes

An oversized cardigan or coat is perfect to add warmth to your look and to look stylish, but doesn’t always look flattering. Layer your oversized style over a fitted outfit for a perfect balance. 

6. It’s all about accessories 

6. It’s all about accessories 

Do you love oversized styles, but don’t feel comfy in them or do you want to accentuate your oversized silhouette? Add oversized accessories to your look – from bags to scarves and beanies.

Want to create a trendy oversized look? Check our latest styles here! Do you need more inspiration and want to check out more looks? Discover our Shop the Look pages here!
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